Monday, February 18, 2019

Self Report 4 - Observation on Teacher

Observation on Teacher

1.       Planning for teaching
Before starts the class, my coordinating teacher arranged a teaching guide in line with the curriculum. He also makes the syllabus for each subject in each grade, because English science has a different kind of topic and focus on Thai science. Therefore, organize the syllabus before teach is important for the teacher. by organizing the syllabus, the teacher also can predict the time allocation for each material. The teacher also arranges for lesson plans for each topic.

2.       Preparing lessons and materials
In my case, the time allocation for each meeting is only 50 minutes. That’s why we can only teach one topic for one meeting. For one topic, the teacher usually prepares pictures, game and assessment paper or students worksheets sometimes. Because it might be easier for students to understand and relate to the lesson if they see the demonstration or process, or pictures as long as related to the topic. This is the example of Mr. Aian lesson plan for one topic :

3.       Teaching in Class
Based on my observation with a foreign teacher, when my coordinating teacher teaching in the classroom, he uses the lesson plan and strategy to catch the student’s interest in starting the lesson. Then, he asks about the common thing that related to the content. As an example when he teaches about the skeletal system, he asks the student how can they move their arm, and other questions. After asked students, he sticks a big picture of the skeletal system on the board and explain the content, and play the game. At the end of the lesson, he will provide the worksheets or activity sheets to class.

4.       Measurement and Evaluation
Measurement and evaluation that my coordinating teacher uses are quizzes that related to the lesson, assessment, worksheets or activity sheets, and midterm test and final test. 

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