Monday, February 18, 2019

Self Report 5 - Teaching Practice

Teaching Practice

1.       Procedure Of Teaching
I had my chance to teach science at Bodindecha School. actually, my concern is natural science, its including chemistry, biology, and physics that integrated into one lesson. But, in bodindecha school I can adjust to any subjects., but mostly I teach about biology and general chemistry. I used the same method with my coordinating teacher, Mr. Aian. I combined a lecture demonstration with a game in my teaching practice. In the presentation, I asked them a question about what we gonna discuss about, so they can construct the information and relate with the lesson. I also show them pictures and brought some food to help them understand the lesson. We also play the game after I asked them to copy my written on their book. We called it stacko game. Actually, it was an Uno stack game literally, but I modified it with some questions inside. If they can answer the question, they will get a reward by me and they won't get any reward if they can't answer it. After play stacko game, they will do an activity or do the assessment. Unfortunately, the time was over that time. So I asked them for di that at home and submitted it the next day to me.

2.       Time Management and Organizing Activity
I Teach English science in Bodindecha school about 50 minutes per meeting in every class from M.1 – M.6. teaching science with English for 50 minutes is not enough for me, even Mr. Aian said so. That’s why if we combined the lesson with the game, we have to manage the time. How to balance the game and deliver the lesson during teaching. Because most of the students, they loved the game so much, and if they interest with that game already, it's pretty hard to stop them and ask them to do their assessment after that. When I submit my lesson plan to Mr. Aian, he said that don’t forget to make a time schedule on every activity that I will do in class.

3.       Problem – Solving
Actually, I will teach M.4 and the topic is carbohydrate on Tuesday. But, because there are several troubles I teach M.2 instead with the same topic on Wednesday. I asked my coordinating teacher about my lesson plan. Should I change my topic and make a new lesson plan, and my coordinating teacher said I don’t have to change my topic and make a new lesson plan, just use it, and I follow his suggestion. When I teach them, I knew that this topic still to high for them. Besides, M.2 students don’t talk and understand English that much. They look hard to understand what I said. Lucky me I brought pictures and food to help them understand the topic. They can say some kinds of food that contained carbohydrate, and I was so happy. I can make them understand with language barrier problem. I talk Thai too sometimes, but just general words. Just to make sure they understand the lesson. Another problem also happened when we play the game. Some of the students talk and discuss other things with their friend. But I can take their attention by giving a reward to who answer my question correctly.

4.       Classroom Management
All students in M.2 / 3 they can participate and answer my questions even they talk Thai sometimes. They do understand what I mean, but they can't say it in English. Maybe they still poor of vocabularies or they just shy to practice it. They also very interest when I show them foods and food pictures. They keep saying a lot of food that contained carbohydrate. Some in English, some in Thai. Overall they are nice as long as I can make the focus and the lesson is interesting.

5.       Reflection
It was a very good experience and a big chance for me to teach in Bodindecha. Also for being a part of SEA Teacher exchange program. I learned a lot, not only from my friends, my department teachers but also my students. They make me realize that all the things that I have learned in my country are not enough. I need to improve it again and again to be a great future teacher. Even though they have to understand the lesson slowly, but they never give up. I really enjoy being their 30 days teacher. And I’m grateful that I am a part of their journey. I felt I improve in communication skill, especially in body action communication, I also improve in discipline and another aspect. They might get difficulties and problems when learning science in English, but I take it as a challenge. How can I make them understand and had experience when they learn about it. I hope they learned something from me. I got an unforgettable experience at Bodindecha School. Thanks a bunch to all of you who have been my part of the journey too. Hope we can see each other really soon.

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